General Staff
The Rev. James Medley, Rector.
James+ comes to us from the Diocese of Southern Virginia where he has been rector of two parishes and associate rector of another. Born and raised in the Richmond, VA area, James+ is excited to explore the Diocese of Masschusetts and Fall River. James+ and his wife, Dr. Janelle Mason, live in the South Almond Street rectory after moving from their previoius parish in Norfolk, VA. As southerners, both look forward to experiencing more snow than they are accustomed to in Virginia.
Colleen Taylor, Office Manager. Colleen is organized and always willing to help. She worked for the City of Fall River, as the secretary to the City Council for 29 years. She was very happy to have been selected for this new position in April of 2024.
Bill Lacey, Minister of Music. He’s a New England sports fan, for sure, and puts life into music here. A retired music teacher, Bill is lots of fun. Just make sure you root for the right teams around him!
Bobbie Niles, Property Manager. Bobbie does the heavy lifting around CHS. She coordinates care and repairs for the large church building, the S. Almond Street property and the rectory. A quiet presence, she gets things done!
In 2006, Church of the Ascension, the St. John’s/St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, and St. Mark’s Episcopal Church formed an “Inter-Parish Council” to pray and discuss how they might work together and share resources. In 2008, all three parishes vote to merge and stay at the former Church of the Ascension at 160 Rock Street in Fall River.
In the next ten years, Church of the Holy Spirit focused on ministry to the homeless, senior ministry, and being part of the Southcoast Mission hub that housed the Life Together program (providing training and experience for young adults to live into Christian leadership). In 2018, the parish entered into transition after the rector left for a new position.
The main church building for Church of the Ascension was completed in 1875. The St. James Chapel was added in 1965 which incorporated windows, altar and other furnishings from St. James Episcopal Church. The large upstairs space houses Sunday School rooms, the STARMAKER THEATER and storage, while the lower level provides office space, bathrooms, and the parish hall, which has a commercial kitchen. There is storage space in the basement, along with our Thrift Shop.
Church of the Holy Spirit also owns a rectory on New Boston Road and another house on S. Almond Street that have housed the senior ministry, the Southcoast Mission Hub (and the Life Together program), and the Mount Hope at Kennedy Park intentional community.
If you or your group are interested in renting space in the church, please contact the church office.