
You can now participate in our Sunday worship service (9:30 am) through Zoom (video call through your computer, tablet, or smart phone or audio call through your land line).  Here is what you need to know:

To connect via Zoom:  Click HERE to join by computer or smart phone. To call in, call 929-205-6099 and enter the meeting ID, 806-559-698#.

In-person worship resumed 04/25/2021.

Daily Morning Prayer is available on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8:00 am.  To join on Zoom by phone or computer, call the church office at 508-672-5571 or email at office@holyspiritchurchfr.org for the meeting ID and instructions.

Episcopal worship will seem familiar to those with a Roman Catholic background, but should also be accessible to those of other Christian backgrounds (or none at all). Sunday worship consists of two main parts:

  • The Word of God--includes Bible readings, a sermon, prayers and confession of sin
  • Holy Communion—sharing the gifts of Jesus’ presence in the bread and wine

Gluten-free wafers are available.

Our worship is based on the 1979 Book of Common Prayer with prayers and communion settings also drawn from Enriching Our Worship.

The service is at 9:30 am on Sunday morning.  In winter we may worship in the parish hall (Purchase St. entrance).

If you have any questions about what happens in the service or why, feel free to contact the priest or ask a member of the congregation.


Music is an important part of our 9:30 Sunday worship. We sing hymns from Episcopal hymnals (the 1982 Hymnal and Lift Every Voice and Sing II) as well as occasional other sources. We also sing “service music” of the mass—parts of the service that stay constant week by week.

Bill Lacey, the music minister, provides leadership and accompaniment on the piano and organ. The choir supports the congregation in singing and provides anthems on special occasions. The choir is open to any who like to sing.

Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals, Pastoral Services—contact the church office or the priest.

Special Services

Church of the Holy Spirit observes special services during the year:

  • The Blue Christmas Service, held in December, is for those who are grieving during the holidays
  • The Christmas Eve service celebrates the birth of Jesus on December 24th
  • Holy Week includes Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday as we follow Jesus through the end of his life to the resurrection
  • Mary, mother of Jesus, is honored on the second Sunday of May.
  • Outdoor Worship begins and ends summer and is normally accompanied by a cookout.